The new issue of Ship Technology Global magazine is out now!
Mental health is a growing concern for those in the maritime sector. Long contracts, isolation, and being away from home can all have adverse effects. In our cover story this issue, we look into how shipowners and operators tackle mental health challenges among seafarers.
Whether you are on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, you can read the magazine for free online.
We also survey the wind propulsion landscape, finding out which technologies are gaining traction in the industry’s effort to offset carbon emissions. We also dive into the world of petro-piracy, finding out how real the threat is to oil tankers in modern shipping.
Elsewhere, we explore how the digitalization of shipping is increasing cybersecurity risks and what solutions are being implemented to combat them; run down the biggest maritime projects of the last year; and speak to Agwa about how the company is using tech to grow fresh food on vessels for seafarers.
For all this and the latest maritime industry news, comment, and analysis from GlobalData, read on. And don’t forget to stay up to date with everything at @ShipTechMag.
Peter Nilson, editor

In this issue
Is there a mental health crisis among seafarers?
Keri Allan looks into the impact of long contracts and isolation on seafarers, and how shipowners and operators tackle mental health challenges among their staff.
Wind propulsion: reviving sails for a new era
Keri Allan investigates the resurgence of wind-assisted technologies, such as rotor and rigid sails, as a way of reducing maritime fuel consumption and emissions.
Petro-piracy: the continuing threat to oil security
While the illegal seizure of oil after hijacks may seem like the criminal exploits of a bygone age, the threat remains a reality in many of the world’s petroleum-producing regions. Claire Jenns investigates.
Protecting maritime data: the next frontier for cybersecurity in shipping
Keri Allan explores how the digitalization of shipping is increasing cybersecurity risks and the solutions being implemented.
The most expensive maritime construction projects in 2024
128 major maritime construction projects broke ground in 2023 at a total cost of roughly $52.63bn. Peter Nilson highlights the ten most expensive projects.
“It makes the crew happy” – Agwa CEO on growing food onboard vessels
Peter Nilson speaks to Agwa CEO Oren Saar about the company’s growth in the maritime sector and how growing produce onboard vessels can be beneficial to everyone.
Why digitalization is key to combatting maritime corruption
Vijayanambi Subramanian, head of ocean cargo products, IBS Software, highlights how digitalization can be a tool to combat maritime corruption.
Next issue preview
Next issue, we’ll take a closer look at LNG as a future fuel for maritime – is it a transitional option, or a real long-term fuel type for the industry?
We’ll also find out about the future of autonomous shipbuilding and how automation and robotics are changing shipbuilding processes – while also reducing costs and timeframes.
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