DNV Completes Technical Review of Minesto’s Dragon-class Technology, Supporting 10 MW Array in Faroe Islands
Norway-based classification society DNV has recently conducted an independent technical review of Minesto’s Dragon-class technology, bolstering the case for its planned 10 MW array in the Faroe Islands.
The assessment, which began in the autumn of 2024, focused on evaluating the energy conversion performance, production volumes, and installation procedures of Minesto’s innovative Dragon kite technology.
Throughout the review process, Minesto provided full technical data disclosure, engaged in workshops with DNV’s development team, and even hosted an on-site visit during offshore installation activities in the Faroe Islands.
Minesto reports that the review findings have validated its plans to transition from single-kite operations to arrays, highlighting the potential for achieving a competitive levelized cost of energy (LCOE) due to the system’s lightweight design and efficient handling procedures.
“The conclusions and quality of the review conducted by DNV are invaluable to us as we scale up our operations. We recognize the importance of independent verification for our customers and partners, particularly as we progress towards deploying arrays,” commented Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto.
Minesto has chosen to share the review results and technical documentation under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) with selected partners and potential customers to enhance transparency and build trust.
“Sharing detailed technology data externally is a significant effort for us. However, this process has reinforced our technical documentation and credibility among stakeholders,” added Edlund.
DNV’s review also identified technical risks and provided recommendations, which Minesto has integrated into its development roadmap to mitigate potential challenges.
“We are pleased that DNV’s identified technical risks align with our internal assessments, validating our development priorities. We are now poised to move forward with the Hestfjord Dragon Farm project,” concluded Edlund.
In a significant milestone in December 2024, Minesto finalized the design and technical specifications for its enhanced Dragon 12 tidal energy system, setting the stage for the deployment of the first Dragon farm at Hestfjord in the Faroe Islands.