Eco Wave Power Global Signs MoU with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited to Introduce Wave Energy into India’s Renewable Energy Strategy
Eco Wave Power Global has recently announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), marking a significant milestone in the integration of wave energy into India’s renewable energy portfolio.
This collaboration is in line with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy’s (MNRE) recognition of ocean energy as a promising renewable resource in India, with an estimated untapped potential of 40,000 MW along the country’s coastline.
Under the terms of the MoU, Eco Wave Power and BPCL will work together to develop wave energy projects across India, starting with a comprehensive feasibility study. The initial phase will involve the installation of a 100 kW pilot project at BPCL’s Mumbai Oil Terminals, with plans for larger commercial-scale deployments nationwide.
BPCL will be responsible for overseeing regulatory approvals, permits, and land use consents, while Eco Wave Power will leverage its patented wave energy conversion technology, conduct research, and enhance power generation efficiency.
Inna Braverman, Founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power, expressed her excitement about the partnership, stating, “Partnering with BPCL, one of India’s leading energy companies, is a game-changer for Eco Wave Power. With a vast population residing along India’s extensive coastline, the potential for wave energy is immense. This MoU signifies a significant step towards establishing wave energy as a mainstream power source in India’s transition to clean energy.”