French Water Treatment Specialist Bio-UV Group Ships Second Bio-Sea Ballast Water Treatment Unit to U.S. Navy for Trials
French water treatment specialist Bio-UV Group has shipped a second Bio-Sea ballast water treatment unit to the United States for extensive trials to assess the technology’s capability for use onboard U.S. Navy vessels.
An “M” series Bio-Sea system will undergo the same rigorous testing as a compact Bio-Sea “B” series unit supplied previously to Bio-UV Group’s U.S.-based partner, the Columbia Group (TCG), which was awarded a contract in 2021 to develop a ruggedized version of the Bio-UV USCG-approved UV-based BWTS.
Testing Process and Objectives
The Bio-Sea M Series, specially designed for the U.S. Navy, completed Factory Acceptance Tests last April at Bio-UV Group’s production facility in Lunel, France. The Bio-Sea B unit, installed for evaluation in February 2024, completed over 500 hours of ballasting/deballasting operations and is now undergoing land-based electromagnetic interference testing to verify compatibility with U.S. military standards.
“We aim to have completed operational and environmental testing for both units by 2026,” said Simon Marshall, Bio-UV Group’s deputy managing director. “Should all tests pass the U.S. Navy’s compatibility criteria, this will be the first step toward our system achieving Navy certifiable status and the objective of manufacturing units in North America.”
Partnership and Market Expansion
The overall program has been developed to meet a U.S. Government requirement to provide U.S, Navy vessels with a suitable ballast water treatment option. Bio-UV Group and TCG have partnered to meet this requirement. This partnership signifies a major development for the French water treatment specialist, paving the way for compliance with military standards and entry into a new ballast water treatment market.
The tailor-made compact Bio-Sea B unit is a robust, filtration and UV-based BWTS capable of dealing with flow rates up to 300 cubic meters per hour. The larger M10 system has been designed to treat flow rates of up to 1,000 cubic meters per hour.
With the success of the partnership with the Columbia Group in developing custom-made, military-grade ballast water treatment systems, Bio-UV Group is poised for growth and expansion in the water treatment industry.