Teledyne Gavia Signs Framework Agreement with Swedish Armed Forces for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Teledyne Gavia announced the signature of a multi-year Framework Agreement to deliver and support GAVIA Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) for the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF). The Gavia vehicles will be dedicated to Mine Counter Measures (MCM) applications.
The award of the Framework Agreement follows an international open tender last year, with FMV selecting the GAVIA AUV with the highest meritorious score against their technical requirements.
Teledyne Gavia ehf offered its GAVIA AUV fitted with an EdgeTech 2205 side scan sonar and a Teledyne Flir Blackfly-S camera. Thanks to the GAVIA’s AUV modularity, the Swedish Navy can add other payloads such as synthetic aperture sonar, magnetometers, or multibeams as mission requirements evolve.
The Framework Agreement will run over several years and has the option for extensions. The long-term in-country support will be provided by Teledyne Flir AB in Sweden.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting collaboration between Teledyne Gavia and the Swedish Armed Forces!